New in Black Adam Is DC Beyond Redemption

DC has released a promo for Black Adam's upcoming maxiseries and writer Christopher Priest unequivocally confirms that Adam's heroic days are over. As Black Adam prepares to headline his own series, DC has released a trailer to hype up the next chapter of the ruler of Kahndaq's journey. The promotion reveals that Adam is returning to his roots as a villain who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Born Teth-Adam, the young man was once selected by the wizard Shazam to be his champion, believing him to be pure of heart. However, Adam took advantage of his powers, using them to kill those who would wish him, his people, or his beloved home of Kahndaq harm. Though he was removed as Shazam's champion, Black Adam was still a beloved figure to the citizens of Kahndaq who revered him as a god. While he's had his issues with the wizard's current champion, Billy Batson, Black Adam has attempted to walk a more noble path, even getting Superman to vouch for Black Adam to join the Justice League.


DC Chose The Perfect Hero To Survive The Justice League's Death

Black Adam may be returning to a more traditional villain role in a new self-titled series from Christopher Priest and Rafa Sandoval. To promote Black Adam, DC put out a trailer on YouTube featuring Priest describing Adam's upcoming journey, as well as some killer art that shows off the might of the former Champion. If there's one thing that the writer wants to communicate in the trailer, it's that "there is no redemption for Black Adam". Priest even goes so far as to liken Adam to the classic villain Dracula to hammer home that the new series will portray him more villainous than he's been in recent years. That said, Priest also says that "every step that Black Adam takes toward redemption causes fractions within his own country", hinting his return to villainy is not without reason. The series will also see Black Adam transformed after a plague nullifies his immortality. Priest also mentions that Black Adam will be "facing his own mortality" and become "obsessed with legacy", which may also hint as to what's informing Adam's new path. If there's one thing that fans know about the character, it's that he is dedicated to Kahndaq above all else. This devotion has led Black Adam to kill the Teen Titan Terra before, so it's no surprise he's going in a darker direction. While Adam has definitely proven he's got what it takes to be a hero, it makes sense that he would throw it all away in order to do what benefits his home.

If it were just that Black Adam found himself staring death in the face, that may be enough to have him reconsider what his end goals should be before he passes on. But the fact that his recent noble pursuits with the League have also lead to strife within his kingdom will absolutely push him over the edge and away from the path of a hero. With the time he may have remaining, Black Adam will want to ensure that Kahndaq is stable and that it will continue to be after he dies. Black Adam may go out as a villain in the DC Universe, but he'll do everything to make sure he dies a hero for his people.


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